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"The S.A.D. Truth About High Protein Diets"
Learn from 5 key leaders in the field of nutrition and is a once in a lifetime, truly, a once in a lifetime chance, to eliminate once and for all, the mass confusion about dieting. This 2-hour and 15 minute Tele-seminar…educates you on:
  1. The S.A.D. Truth of "High Protein Diets"
  2. Why do people lose weight on this program?
  3. Does Insulin Resistance really elevate Blood sugars, insulin, tri-glycerides, blood pressure, excess body wt. and if not, what does?
  4. Why do these diets appear to work in regard to weight loss and lowered cholesterol but really don't?
  5. Why can't we learn the truth about proper eating in our schools?
  6. What role does nutrition play with disease anyway? Does it cure?
  7. What is the solution for Heart Disease, the #1 killer of men and woman in our country?
  8. Is there a negative impact of "High Protein Diets" on Bone Density?
  9. Can this diet promote Prostate Enlargement and Cancer in men?
  10. What is the relationship, if any, of this diet to healthy aging and quality of life?

Here's the lineup:
Jeff Norvick,R.D., the Director of Nutrition at the world-renowned Pritikin Longevity Center on Miami Beach, Florida.
Dr. Douglas Graham, D.C., who currently serves as a nutrition advisor to the magazine Exercise for Men Only.
Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D., advisor to the NASA project on nutrition for long-term space colonists on the moon and on Mars.
Dr. Frank Sabatino, Ph.D., D.C., who has been a part of landmark research in nutrition and aging and has published numerous articles on clinical nutrition, brain chemistry, women's hormones, and aging.

You haven't failed at dieting, dieting has failed you! Sometimes the diets and fads that we get into to lose weight or for whatever health reason is really worse than the excess weight itself. Diets are something you start and finish and if "The Atkins Diet" is so good then why does the author himself encourage you not to stay on it forever? You will learn why people actually lose weight on this program. Diet is a 4-letter word and when you hear this Tele-seminar you will have finally eliminated the mass confusion about good sound nutrition and will be your best guarantee of living to a healthy ripe-old age free of diet related diseases! You'll be shocked with the S.A.D. Truth of High Protein Diets.


This double audiocassette album includes 1 Food Combining Pocket-Guide and
a $20.00 certificate, good towards another Tele-Seminar. Total value $57.00

              Still only $37.00
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Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
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