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  "Health is Wealth"  
Dr. Morter
Loriann Lloyd Dr. Ken and Miki
In this most talked about Interview, you will learn:
  1. Secrets to staying youthful and healthy
  2. What we can expect when we improve our Health
  3. The number one cause of disease
  4. The best ways to burn fat and calories
  5. A day in the life of Jack LaLanne
  6. How to monitor your pH levels.
  7. The best Nutritional Recommendations
  8. The most powerful alkalizer known
  9. How your physical health affects your mental health
  10. How your health decides the success of your business

"Most of us give up our Health
In our quest for Wealth
Just to spend the Wealth
To regain our Health!"
   ...Wayne Pickering

Wayne "The Mango Man" Interviews:
JACK LA LANNE, known as the Godfather of Physical Fitness the world over, has been in the business since 1936, and he's still going strong as he turned 90 this year. He and his wife Elaine have their company, Befit Enterprises, in southern California! Jack is an author, television personality, and professional speaker and travels the country showing people how to be healthy at any age. Jack will be teaching you how to look better, feel terrific and live longer.
Dr. M.T. MORTER, JR., is an internationally recognized authority on health care & author of four nationally released books on nutrition and the mind/body connection. He helps you understand that because you create health or disease opportunities when you act on your personal choices of what you put into or do to your body, you need to know just what the particular choices can mean to your body. He also shows how to use your own beliefs, thoughts, and memory to create a healthy body.
LORI ANN LLOYD, "QUEEN of the Obstacle Course" and is the World Record Holder and Undefeated World Champion of the Extreme Obstacle Course Races as seen on ESPN 2 and Fox Sports Network. Lori lives in Orlando Florida & has been named THE BEST ATHLETE IN THE FITNESS INDUSTRY. The Lifetime Achievement Award & MS Lifetime Fitness were awarded to Lori in 1997. She will share her secrets on how you can be healthy through any obstacles.
Dr. KEN & MIKI THOMAS, are among the most outstanding examples of total health that I know of. I've known them for almost 16 years & are a 127-year-old gymnastic team who stress the importance of Living a Balanced Life! Learn their secrets on how to make a sick person well, an old person younger, a fat person thin & a sad person happy.


This cd includes a $20.00 certificate, good towards another Tele-Seminar. Total value $55.00

Still only $37.00
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Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
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