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The Mango Man
"Combine When You Dine"

"A properly combined meal IS the ideal!"

  1. Indigestion is so common that people actually think it's normal. Realize the 3 Commandments of Eating so you can embrace wholesome digestion once again after all those years of indigestion agony. Learn what exactly happens to food when we eat….”The Marvels of Digestion”
  2. Savor Hassle-Free Eating as it should be and watch those stomach products that fizz-fizz faze out of your life while you discover how to spell relief real fast!
  3. You'll have LESS Body FAT & Be Fit, Focused and Fabulous over Forty.
  4. Constipation becomes a THING OF THE PAST & you'll have SWEETER smelling Breath
  5. Your BEST GUARANTEE of Living to a Healthy, Ripe-old Age FREE of Sickness. You will Discover why so many people have said GOOD BYE to: Allergies, Digestive Problems, Ulcers, Heartburn, Weight Problems, Diarrhea, Low-Blood Sugar, Sinus Trouble, Stomach Pains, GAS, Constipation, etc. and have welcomed New Found Energy, Vitality, and a Keen Zest for Life.

"Since I started Food Combining, I have experienced some amazing results! So now it's out the window with some 28 years of improper nutrition, NEVER Dreaming in that time that bad food combinations were the cause of my belching, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea, etc. I'm looking forward to a long healthy life & I owe it all to you and Food Combining. THANKS SO VERY MUCH!"

Robert Boovy
Metairie, LA


This audiocassette album also includes a high gloss Food Combining Pocket-Guide and a $20.00 certificate; good towards another Tele-Seminar. Total value $42.00

Still only $20.00
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Related Products:
Combine When You Dine T-shirt
The Food Combining Guide
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Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
Maintained by: Navona Designs