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"The Food Combining Guide"
A beautiful 20" x 24" custom-laminated full-color guide for Healthy Eating which PROPERLY classifies FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and PROTEINS to show the most Compatible Combination for Finest Digestion!

  It also shows:

  • When Foods are in Season & which foods are Complete Protein
  • The Time it takes for each food to Digest & All the Foods to Avoid
  • The Acid / Alkaline Balance of each food after they've been digested properly
  • The 5 Health Builders & The 5 Health Destroyers
  • The 10 Golden Rules of Eating & The 7 Proper Food Combining Rules

(This guide is ideally suited for your refrigerator door)


Here are just a few comments from so many satisfied customers:


"Dear Wayne,

IT WORKS!...and it is not WORK!

I just wanted to let you know what a difference proper combining of food has made to my life. I have suffered for years from stomach pain, irritable bowels, acid indigestion, uncomfortable weight, lack of energy, depression and more...sounds pitiful, and it was!

During a visit to my chiropractor, I showed him the large bumps that had developed at some of the distal joints of my fingers. He recognized them as gouty arthritis and said it had to do with my diet. He left the room and returned with a large and colorful chart. That was my introduction to your Food Combining Guide.

At first, I was a bit intimidated by it all...especially the part about meats - I loved my steak and potatoes! You opened my eyes to the fact that I was eating my way to very ill health. In fact, I had been eating in an incorrect way for all of my life!

For the last three months I have been eating in the proper manner using your Guide. I consult it daily when in doubt about which foods are proper with other foods. I use it to plan meals for my family. RESULTS, absolutely! I felt a difference right away! I had been "drinking" Pepto Bismal every night ...dismal, yes!...the acid indigestion was the first to go!!!

I have not had acid indigestion since I have been using your Food Combining Guide. The bowel problem is no more! I have abundant energy!

Best of all, I am NOT dieting and have gone from a size 15-16 blue jean to a size 10 without trying!!!!!!!

My friends have seen the change in me...not just my looks, but my whole attitude! They want some of that! I am giving them your Food Combining Guide, and your web site addresses, and your phone number!

I thank God for you! I thank you for helping to give me a new outlook and a new look in my life!"

Maureen Phelps
Warner Springs, CA

Listen to George McKenzie's testimonial
Listen to the testimonial from Larry Satterfield of Natural Foods Market, Midland TX

("less gas")("less low blood sugar symptoms")("no more stomach pains")("a Masterpiece")
("eliminated constipation")("have Boundless Energy")("no more dysentery")
("lost 40lbs.")("completely freed myself from acute Thrombo Phlebitis")


Our most popular individual publication now distributed in 37 countries

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Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
Maintained by: Navona Designs