"Something Sweet"

Top of the week to you!

I love this time of year because the Persimmons are in and you can do some pretty amazing things with them. But they have to be ripe or you'll be absolutely turned off with them, as they'll make your mouth feel like you just ate a dose of paste! I love them and when they are ready they have a consistency of banana pudding.

What I do a lot of the time is go to the grocery store when the bananas are perfectly ripe and they always have them marked down to 1/3 of the price by then and I get about 10-15 pounds of them. I peel them and cut them up and put into freezer bags and freeze them. About 6 cut up bananas in each freezer bag.

After it's frozen, put it into your Vita-Mix (or a good strong blender if you don't have a Vita Mix) and within 1-2 minutes @ a medium speed, you'll have the best ice cream you've ever tasted.

Now top it with 2 ripe room temperature Persimmons and surround with your favorite Pitted Dates and it's nutritious to boot (had to throw that one in for good measure). You'll be wondering how can something this good be that good for you. And you'll be dancing around the room saying 3 Hail Mary's and 2 Boy Howdy's on this one I'll guarantee you! ENJOY it, you deserve the best and that's what this is! I usually have this as a mid-morning snack. And by the way, ALL GOOD CALORIES, don't count them, just enjoy them.

Here's a tremendous C/D for you for the week and another biggie from the library….Grover Washington, Jr. "Prime Cuts"! As we used to say in Viet Nam, "Choy Yoiy"! Don't ask, it's a good thing though!

Remember, beware of the Doctor whose wife sells cemetery plots!

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
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