
The top of the day to you

Grape Tomatoes are in season now so I thought I'd experiment a bit with them and lo and behold they're also on sale. I also bought some Sun Dried Tomatoes soaked in Olive Oil and Sea Kelp at the Health Food Store the other day. Now that's something not to miss out in your life.

When I got through of some tree work today along with a good bike ride I wanted something quick and easy but very nourishing. Check out this salad I made and it's one of those salads that you definitely do not need a salad dressing on it. If you put a salad dressing on it, it would actually ruin it.


  • One half pint of Grape Tomatoes (per person)
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of the Sun Dried Tomatoes (per person)
  • One half of an Avocado (one half of a Florida Avocado or one whole California Haas Avocado per person)
  • 2 Non waxed Pickling Cucumbers
  • 1 small Yellow Summer Squash
  • 1 small Zucchini Squash
  • 1 Orange Bell Pepper
  • One quarter teaspoon of Sweet Basil
  • One hand full of Organic Mixed Greens (I always use them as it's so much faster than washing off all the Lettuces and such to put in the salad)
  • 1 Stick of Celery


In a large Salad Bowl put the hand full of Organic Mixed Greens then the chopped Celery. On top of all that cut the Cucumbers, Yellow & Zucchini Squash into paper size slices with a cheese slicer. Now sprinkle the One quarter teaspoon of Sweet Basil on top of all that.

Now cut the Bell Pepper into small cubes and throw the Grape Tomatoes on top of that. Now spread the Sun Dried Tomatoes all over the top of that. Now cut the Avocado in half and gut the seed out of it. The dice up the Avocado while still in the shell into several tic tac toe sections. Now scoop it out with a soupspoon all over the salad.

Now get two wooden spoons and start tossing the dickens out of it to get all the juices and oils from the Sun Dried Tomatoes mixed well. This is unbelievably delicious.

The roofers who were over yesterday told me they hated salads but when I gave them a bite of this, I had to make another one for me as they devoured that one up in no time.

Enjoy this, as it's so simple and so doggone good for you. If you want to just make a meal out if then that's ok too. Just make one big enough to where you'll feel full. A smaller one before a meal will do as well.

Let me ask you…what did you see this morning when you first went outside to get that breath of fresh air that was very positive? Look for it in nature and let that set the tone for your day. Nature has such a cool way of putting you in the right mood when we open up to the sounds and the smells and the sights of the sky and trees. Best to you as you continue to strive to make a positive difference.

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering = The Ambassador for Health

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Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering, = "THE AMBASSADOR for HEALTH"
Nutritional Performance Coach;
Life Management Consultant &
Disease Prevention Specialist.
Author/Professional Speaker with a unique mix of health & wealth;
Award Winning Triathlete &
Double Nominee for The Healthy American Fitness Leader Award

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
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