"A Perfect Bowel Movement"

The top of the day to you

Now I know you are probably thinking, “Mercy, what in the world is Wayne talkin' about?” And is there really such a thing? And where do you go to find out? And no doubt, we all do it at least once a day (hopefully)! I've had clients come to me and think that they had something wrong with them if they had a good bowel movement twice a week. Lord have mercy, I bet their cologne bill was something to behold!

It's most crucial to give some thought to this most important function of the body as when we feed our plants good nutrition and give them good drainage, then we have healthy plants. Conversely, when we feed them poor food and let them sit in their drain water for days on end, then notice how the plants look like they're going to give plum out and with this continual abuse, then they soon 'peter out' so to speak. We all know this.

And it's no different with the body. When we feed ourselves junk foods and don't have good drainage (regular bowel movements) then we soon 'peter out' and worse yet, we have to suffer along the way.

It's interesting that the three highest selling items in health food stores are #1 = Bran or some concoction to make the people's bowels move. #2 = Energy potions and #3 Indigestion remedies. We are starving for normalcy with our COMPLETE digestion tract. So when we have good digestion (hence “The Food Combining Guide” and good drainage, then life becomes a breeze with a good scent no less. And whoever is down wind of you, NO PROBLEM!

Those of us who are in this business of wellness know that the most abused organ of the body and less understood would have to be the Colon. More effort is made to control the function of the Colon than any other organ in the body. It is blamed for more troubles than the teeth (man oh man, as I've gotten older, I can sure appreciate a good set of teeth), Tonsils, Appendix, Gall Bladder, Womb, Tubes and Ovaries all combined.

Quite some years ago we had a speaker who was hilarious and well spoken and briefly entertained us at The National Speakers Association with a bowel scenario where she described it as “Stinky Floaties”. Well the crowd went nuts with laughter. She was brilliant and of course I won't mention who she was but so many people still to this day refer to it as that, “Stinky Floaties”.

Well let's get down and dirty about this…pardon the pun. What constitutes a good bowel movement?

First of all, it really should be ODORLESS. If it is foul, then there is food that is rotting throughout the digestive tract better known as fermentation or decomposition. Usually stems from Bad Combinations of Food (once again, that was one of the reasons for The Food Combining Guide” … to avoid this almost entirely.) or even drinking a lot of fluids when you eat which makes a terrible strain on optimum digestion.

The best CONSISTENCY would be like that of porridge or thick oatmeal. It should not be hard and logy or loose and watery!

If it's hard and logy, then not enough fiber (no, bran doesn't get it) in the diet. This is one of the hassles of eating meat…NO FIBER! This is where we came up with the saying, “Eat Greens with Proteins” and of course that will also coincide with the 3 Commandments of Food Combining.

Watery Stools mean Diarrhea or some other problem usually with food poisoning or the like.

And above all they should not FLOAT! Too much gas in the stool when it floats. So there goes that “Stinky Floaties” hypothesis! Her presentation was superb and I would hear her again, but the science of her physiology was poor at best.

It has to be QUICK and EFFORTLESS! And each of us can relate to the times when we are in the restrooms in a restaurant or any other public restroom where you think the walls are going to come tumbling down with the person in the stall going through some changes just trying to void themselves. Boy Howdy!

Sometimes I wonder if Sigmoid Freud got the pleasurable sensation of a good bowel movement mixed up with a sex thrill or somethin' other.

And as I have mentioned in our Audio Series when I interviewed the Great Dr. Frank Sabatino in which he commented that there should be a church called, “The Church of the Immovable Bowel”! It's sad but so true. One to two minutes is long enough. We don't want you dozin' and drulin' in there!

Now many times should we go each day? The correct answer to that would be EVERY TIME WE EAT! But at least twice a day would be very healthy. I guess that's where we probably get the term, “BEING REGULAR”.

One more thing about the COLOR: It should represent the color of the food we ate. Spinach will naturally have a greenish color, Beets will definitely be red no matter what else you ate and Carrots will have that color as well. But a universal color would probably be Greenish, Yellowish with slight tint of Brown. Almost picturesque you might say. But don't get your camera there might be someone waiting!

Even though I made light of this most important subject, I would like to suggest that we take a more conscious effort of how we feed ourselves as Colon Cancer is the third most commonly-occurring form of Cancer (in both men and women). And since Cancer is the second major killer in our country with it positively being diet related, then we can breathe a sigh of relief knowing, not wishing hoping or praying but knowing that we are in control of that devastating problem in our society.

We are in total control here. I made a statement one time a year or so ago in my weekly messages that of all the tribes and cultures that we know ever existed and we reflect on who had the most control/influence over the people. Would it be the Chiefs or would it be the Medicine Men. We all know it was the Medicine Men. They had the people scared to death and even the Chiefs would consult with the Medicine Men before deciding on important issues.

Now that's not to badger the Medical Community as there is a terrific need for that profession especially when it comes to trauma…Mike Staley (former Paramedic) can vouch for that when he was hit in the Daytona Beach International Speedway about 10 years ago by a car going 160 miles an hour. His story will bring the hair on your body to attention.

The point here is we are in total control, but I've found there are two things that stand in our way, 1) Don't want to change and 2) Don't want to take responsibility! We all fear what we don't know and I'm no different. I'm just glad that I was sick enough early enough to know I didn't want to be like that anymore. Remember we are all healthy automatically by design and sick only by default.


Your only limitations are in your own mind. There are no limits to the expansion of your possibilities. You've got it in you, if only you'll make up your mind and stick with it. You were not born with a stop-valve on your powers or a set limit to your capacity.

At any moment, you have more possibilities then you can act upon. When you imagine your possibilities, your vision expands, you capture your dreams in your mind, and your life becomes full.

You can reach out and touch the limits of your being. Look at things, as they can be. Be thankful of life because it gives you a chance. There are no limits to your possibilities, so use your imagination. You can have all the things you want out of life, be it your health, wealth, & happiness as we live in the greatest country in the world…NORTH AMERICA! I'm still trying to find a story about someone trying to swim to Poland. Even the people who hate this country live here.

Best to you as you continue to make a positive difference.

Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering The AMBASSADOR for HEALTH!

PS For the last 24 years that I've been in this life changing business I have thousands of very positive comments about our products or services. They could be as a result of our weekly e-zine, or with any of our 23 Audio Programs, Health Guides which are now distributed in 37 countries or the Perfect Diet Program or just on a referral basis because of our coaching whether it be Marketing or Health Challenges.

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Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
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